PAST PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE. PRESENT PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE. 2 *PERFECT TENSES_ONLINE ACTIVITIES (1): debajo de la explicación gramatical tenéis acceso a ejercicios que podéis corregir online. 3 *PERFECT TENSES_ONLINE ACTIVITIES (2): debajo de la explicación gramatical tenéis acceso a ejercicios que podéis corregir online.
Reported Statements Mixed Exercise Change this direct speech into reported speech: 1. “He works in a bank” Reported statements: Answers 1. She said (that) he worked in a bank. 2. She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before). 3. She said (that) she was coming. 1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria Jimdo. Esta página web ha sido creada con Jimdo. ¡Regístrate ahora gratis en! Burlington Books Online Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, ELT materials and software. 4º ESO | ENGLISH EL VALLE Entradas sobre 4º ESO escritas por liveinenglish. Privacidad & Cookies: este sitio usa cookies. Al continuar usando este sitio, estás de acuerdo con su uso.
Matemáticas orientadas a las enseñanzas académicas. 3º B ESO. Capítulo 7: Geometría del plano Autor: Pedro Luis Suberviola Revisor: Alberto de la Torre Ilustraciones: Banco de imágenes INTEF y Pedro Luis Suberviola 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. EJERCICIOS de ÁREAS y VOLÚMENES 3º ESO ALFONSO GONZÁLEZ I.E.S. FERNANDO DE MENA. DPTO. DE MATEMÁTICAS FICHA 3: Áreas de polígonos regulares y figuras circulares Áreas de polígonos regulares: 1. Calcular el área de un hexágono regular de 6 m de lado. (Soluc: 93,53 m2) 2. Hallar el área de un hexágono regular de 3 dm de apotema. REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2013-2014 REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2013-2014 (tienes las soluciones al final del documento) 1) Complete the email with the correct tense: Hi Paul, 4º ESO Repaso de Inglés
Reported Speech - REPORTED SPEECH A) Podemos contar lo que alguien dijo de dos maneras: 1. Repitiendo sus palabras exactas, es decir, empleando el estilo directo. - “I have to go now,” she said. - “We lived in Paris for three years,” Peter said. 2. Contando la idea, pero no las palabras exactas, que es el “estilo indirecto”. ESO 3. Reported Speech. Exercises. | GO, GO, CÍA! Further exercises on the Reported Speech. There are thirteen links to exercises on the topic. The exercises are graded from easy to difficult. 1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria
WORKSHEETS - carlos10america
Reported Speech. Communication . Writing: A report about an animal. 1º Bachillerato 1º ESO 2º Bachillerato 2º ESO 3º ESO 4º ESO activities blog Ciclos education funny ha-ha grammar humanities humour music news you can use P.A.U. proverbs science skills video world. A world of links. RAFAEL CANO: ENGLISH LESSONS: BACH_IES FELIPE SOLIS PAST PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE. PRESENT PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE. 2 *PERFECT TENSES_ONLINE ACTIVITIES (1): debajo de la explicación gramatical tenéis acceso a ejercicios que podéis corregir online. 3 *PERFECT TENSES_ONLINE ACTIVITIES (2): debajo de la explicación gramatical tenéis acceso a ejercicios que podéis corregir online. Reported Statements Mixed Exercise - Perfect English Grammar Reported Statements Mixed Exercise Change this direct speech into reported speech: 1. “He works in a bank” Reported statements: Answers 1. She said (that) he worked in a bank. 2. She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before). 3. She said (that) she was coming. 1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria